Cinder Grill Perfect Scallops sous vide scallops

Never Overcook Again

Cinder is the only cooking appliance in the world that can precisely track your food as it heats and stop cooking once it’s done – but how? 

Cinder Grill Review

It’s Chemistry

As we learned on the “What is precision cooking?” page, the goal is to reach an exact temperature throughout the food. But why is temperature so important?

Let’s use steak as an example. If you’ve used a meat thermometer, you have to understand that temperature signifies doneness - 125°F for rare, 129°F for medium rare, and so on.

Cinder Grill Sous Vide Steak

Precision cooking means that we can set Cinder to 129°F and cook the entire steak to that exact temperature. Once cooked, the steak can then be seared with a flavorful crust, giving it the right external texture and flavor. 

The ability to quickly and efficiently change temperature is what makes Cinder a precision grill – Cinder really knows what is going on inside, and therefore can track the food as it cooks. With Cinder, there’s no overcooking and no second guessing – when it says done, it’s done.

How We Did It

Cinder’s precision is based on tracking energy output, and knows the exact amount of energy required for Cinder to heat to any temperature. Our patented heating element design ensures that heat is transferred evenly throughout the aluminum cooking plates. 

As the aluminum plates heat to the target temperature, the side skirt encloses the cooking area to minimize airflow and heat loss. This insulation and the embedded heat coils ensures even heating across the surface of the plate. Cinder is then able to calculate the temperature of your food when your food is done cooking.

What does that mean for you?

Cinder Grill Perfect Scallops sous vide scallops

It means no more overcooking. No trial and error, no hovering around the skillet, no second guessing yourself.

It means dinner is ready when you’re ready. No more timers, no more hurrying to set the table, no more stressing about everything being hot and ready at the same time.

It means better food, more easily cooked. Less time cooking and more time conversing. Less worrying about quality and more time wondering what you’ll make next.

It means amazing food, every day. That’s the magic of Cinder.

Never Overcook Again

Try this on Cinder Grill Today 

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