Let the Perfect Steak Rest (Except on the Cinder)

Let the Perfect Steak Rest (Except on the Cinder)

As part of confident cooking, we’ve studied the steps to the perfect steak. Season properly, reverse sear, then let the meat rest. Still, have you ever heard why we let meat rest between cooking and devouring? Also, you probably haven’t heard that meat right off the Cinder doesn’t need a rest, though it can handle one. Read on for an explanation of both facts.


Rest the Perfect Steak

This is the reason the perfect steak needs that rest.  A steak, or other piece of meat, is made up of muscle fibers. Because of their protein makeup, when the steak meets a hot surface, its fibers tighten. Thus their internal moisture experiences considerable pressure.  If the steak is sliced as soon as it comes off the heat, that internal pressure squeezes the moisture right out of the meat, leaving it leathery and dried out. That’s a sad end to a steak that could have been perfect. 

However, when the steak takes a rest, the muscle fibers relax and the pressure subsides. After a few minutes, usually ten, slicing the steak reveals luscious juicy meat. The perfect steak rewards confident cooking, the product of a little knowledge and a bit of boldness.


The Magic of Sous Vide

On the other hand, meat cooked in the sous vide method actually doesn’t need to rest. As soon as it’s reached temperature it’s ready to eat. Because the sous vide method starts from cold and brings the meat to a target temp, it doesn’t produce that internal pressure in the meat. In contrast, the high heat of other cooking methods -- grilling, roasting, and so on -- causes high pressure as well as doneness gradients. 

However, traditional sous vide, seals the meat inside water-proof plastic. This produces wet results which most don’t consider the perfect steak. This is where the Cinder Grill excels. Its waterless sous vide produces meat that’s tender inside and outside, without being damp or soggy. The Cinder Grill promotes confident cooking by providing perfect results. 


Confident Cooking: Juggling Food Prep

That said, resting meat from the Cinder Grill doesn’t hurt anything. Because the Cinder Grill cooks evenly from edge to edge using the sous vide method, there are no cold spots left inside the finished meat. Tent it with foil and let it stand in a warm spot while you finish your side dishes, using the Cinder’s broad plates as a griddle. Then plate your perfect steak with your toothsome side dishes and serve it all together. Reap the benefits of confident cooking. 


For the Perfect Steak Rest After Searing

Not everyone requires the perfect steak to be seared. However, many of us do. The Cinder Grill’s restaurant quality sear operates quickly, richly browning the outside while not overheating the carefully sous vide-cooked inside.  However, searing introduces enough heat that a short rest is a good idea, just to make sure all the muscle fibers are nicely relaxed.  After all, we’re not aiming for the ‘good enough’ steak, but for the perfect steak.   When it comes to confident cooking, nothing else will do. Thus the Cinder Grill provides perfection, every time. 


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