Perfect Steak Thickness on the Cinder Grill
The perfect steak glistens in the mind's eye. Thick, beautifully browned, richly savory, opening beneath a sharp knife to reveal a glowing rosy interior. The Cinder Grill promises this vision, and consistently delivers with precision cooking. However, our unique steak cooker operates in a slightly different way than you might expect. The commonly accepted thickness for steak is not precisely the one you should use for your Cinder Grill, and here we'll explain why.
The Perfect Steak Thickness
Most guides to steak agree that the ideal thickness for direct heat cooking is 1.5 inches (4 cm) This thickness balances the outside of the steak against the inside. The outside gains the perfect steak brownness and correct amount of flavor development at the same pace as the inside heats up from raw and chewy to pink and toothsome. Performed by a cook who excels in precision cooking, the results are glorious, even sublime.
However, this method has its drawbacks. It requires an experienced, talented cook who won't burn the outside into bitter crustiness or deliver a bloody, lukewarm interior. Also, no matter how talented the cook, there will always be a gray band of overcooked meat beneath that luscious browned surface, to be chewed through in order to reach the succulent pink center. The Cinder Grill solves these problems in style.
How Our Steak Cooker Cooks Steak
The Cinder Grill uses the sous vide method. This method of precision cooking involves raising the temperature gradually, so that the entire steak stays at one consistent temperature at all times and does not develop gradients. As a result, there is no overcooked gray band framing the actually desirable and delicious pink and juicy center. Because of this, no meat needs to be lost to that gray band, so the ideal thickness for our steak cooker is a bit thinner than the live fire recommendation. About an inch thick (3 cm) makes for the perfect steak on the Cinder.
Precision Cooking And Heat Transfer
Furthermore, that inch of thickness is to our benefit in additional ways. The sous vide method relies on internal heat diffusion through the steak. Its speed is governed by the vertical thickness of the steak. Beyond a certain thickness, precision cooking becomes more difficult, as the meat begins to heat unevenly. One inch is much thinner than that limit, and is the perfect thickness for our steak cooker, heating through in a reliable hour. Thicker specimens can of course be cooked but they may take a prohibitively long time to become the perfect steak.
Steak On The Cinder Grill
While the Cinder Grill is a very versatile piece of cookware, its first love is the perfect steak. We have many example dishes on our REcipes page, such as a luscious Grass Fed Shoulder Steak, a juicy New York Strip, or an iconic Filet Mignon. Whichever steak you choose to prepare on our steak cooker, enjoy the precision cooking and the ease, and above all else enjoy your Cinder!